
In order to provide a quality product, Klean Kindle does not maintain an inventory of products. We pride ourselves in customer satisfaction and make every effort to ensure items reach their destination safely and free from damage. NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES will be accepted by Klean Kindle for any products. The following policies apply to all orders that are placed with Klean Kindle.

Return Policy

Shipping damage: If a product is damaged in transit, Klean Kindle requests the customer contacts us within 15 business days of receiving the damaged product. Klean Kindle purchases tracking on every order that is shipped to ensure that the products arrive at their destination. Klean Kindle will replace the damaged item with the same product at no additional cost or issue an account credit if it is within the 15 day period. If it is not within the 15 day period, Klean Kindle will not be responsible for the product or for replacing it. In order to make a shipping damage claim, please fill out the Klean Kindle Damage Claim Form.

Refunds or Exchanges: Klean Kindle will NOT accept exchanges of any products that are ordered by any customer, unless it is damaged in shipping ( see above policy). Klean Kindle will NOT issue any account credit or money back for any order that is placed by any customer. ALL SALES ARE FINAL

Klean Kindles strives to bring excellent products and provide top of the line customer service to every person that places an order. If you are unhappy with an order, please reach out to us and we will work to resolve any issues you might have.

Return Check Policy

Accepting a check as form of payment is at the discretion of Klean Kindle. When a check is provided as a form of payment, Klean Kindle requires a form of picture ID, and a valid phone number of the customer writing the check. If a check is returned to Klean Kindle for any reason by the bank, a $20.00 return check fee will be accessed to the total amount owed to Klean Kindle.

Klean Kindle will NOT accept checks as a form of payment from any customer who has had a check returned. NO EXCEPTIONS will be made to this policy.

Allergen: Klean Kindle uses all eco-friendly materials to create their products. All items are made using soy wax, cotton wicks and essential oils.